Seminars and Events
Andrew Braisted Award Lectureship
This endowed lecture was established between the UCSF and the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) to bring together San Francisco Bay Area scientists who work at the chemistry and biology interface. The lecture was established in memory of Andrew Braisted, a young scientist in chemical biology who had strong ties to UCSF, UCB, and the biotechnology industry, and died unexpectedly in 2003. It is meant to turn his untimely death into a positive force by making it a major, annual event of the chemistry and chemical biology programs at UCSF and UCB.
BBC Seminar Series
Graduate students in the Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, the Biophysics Graduate Program, and the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program (BBC) take advantage of a weekly seminar series that has in the past focused on molecular and cellular structure and interactions between molecules. Outstanding speakers from leading laboratories in the U.S. and abroad present, and students have the opportunity to meet with them on an informal basis over lunch.
BP/CCB Pizza Talks
First-year students in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program and the Biophysics Graduate Program participate in a series of weekly presentations on research interests from basic science faculty. The purpose is to acquaint new graduate students with research projects and opportunities in faculty laboratories.
CCB Student Research Talks
Chemical Biology in the Bay Area (CBBA) Day
CBBA Day is a day of scientific exchange involving chemical biology researchers at the University of California campuses at San Francisco (UCSF) Berkeley (UCB), Davis (UCD), and Santa Cruz (UCSC). The day consists of a keynote speaker from the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries, student talks, poster sessions, and a concluding social hour. The location for CBBA Day alternates between the UCSF and UCB campuses. This is a great opportunity to meet chemical biologists from around the Bay Area.
QBC Graduate Program Retreat
The Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, Biophysics Graduate Program, Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program hold an annual joint retreat in Monterey, California. The retreat spans two days and focuses on faculty research talks and a poster session. The retreat is typically held in late autumn. Our next retreat is tentatively scheduled for November 2024.
QBC Journal Club
First- and second-year students in the Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, the Biophysics Graduate Program, Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program participate in a weekly joint journal club. In the course of the year each student presents one journal article outside of his or her immediate study. These seminars are open to faculty members and other interested colleagues. This activity serves two purposes, both broadening the interests of students and giving them the opportunity for oral presentations.