
Year one

The Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program (CCB) curriculum includes a series of required core courses, including two courses in fall (Chemical Biology and Race and Racism in Science) and one course in winter (Reaction Mechanisms).  204A Macromolecular Interactions (Macro) in fall, and 204B Macromolecular Methods in winter are optional courses for CCB students.

Spring quarter first-year students take three mini courses. Mini courses provide an intensive and focused educational experience with very close faculty interaction (8-12 students per mini course). Most UCSF graduate programs currently offer mini courses, and CCB students are required to take at least one course in an area outside of our program to increase opportunities for breadth, biological perspective, and scientific networking.

During fall and winter quarters, all students take Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research (GRAD 214), six sessions. 

In addition to the core courses, students participate in the QBC Journal Club during their first two years. Students are also required to complete three lab rotations in their first year.

CCB participates in a seminar series with the Biophysics and BMI graduate programs; it is called the BBC Seminar Series. Students are expected to attend BBC seminars as well as Chemistry and Chemical Biology student research talks (Chemistry 223) for the length of their time in the program.

At the end of their first year, students choose their thesis laboratory.

Year two and beyond

In their second year, students are required to serve as teaching assistants for one quarter in either a CCB core course or a PharmD program course. At the end of their second year students take their oral qualifying examination.

Students must form their thesis committee and file an application for Advancement to Candidacy within six months of passing their oral qualifying examination. The remainder of their time in the program is spent working on their research. Upon completion of their thesis, the last requirement for graduation is a thesis seminar.

Students are encouraged to take additional elective courses as needed. Students can take any courses offered by other UCSF graduate programs. Course information can be found in the Course Catalog.

In addition, students are eligible for intercampus exchange with the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University.